RJ in the Media

SisterSong is working to bring Reproductive Justice into its rightful place as a household term just as well-known as women’s rights or civil rights. The perspectives of women of color are still generally omitted from widely-publicized discussions of events that make national news, and are unknown or disregarded by policy decision-makers, and that needs to change.

SisterSong is one of few women-of-color-led groups that has achieved national recognition, and is often called on by the media, US government, and United Nations to represent the voice of RJ and women of color. We utilize this platform to build public awareness of Reproductive Justice, amplify the voices of our sisters in the movement, uplift little-known issues, and bring RJ analyses to current events so that our ideas are spread by mainstream media. We are developing a critical mass of women of color with the skills and charisma to break through the barriers holding us down, win the attention of the media and the nation, and shift US culture to honor all women in our full humanity and equality.